
E.ON TransUrban.NRW

Shaping the future of energy together

Smart City & Infrastructure
Meeting & New Work



  • education & planning tool: introductory level of the app presents and educates on the topic, with information simply and playfully displayed for a variety of users, from average citizens to decision makers and politicians
  • energy flows: second level visualises districts with clear depictions of the energy network and inter-connections between the buildings
  • hot & cold: able to view energy requirements through time for the whole district, but also for indivi-dual buildings, helping with annual planning of heating and cooling. Very easy to combine and compare diff erent data options and use these in decision-making.
  • simulation & future data: currently simulated data as building is still underway in the districts and new methods are currently being researched, in future this will be replaced by live data from building sensors

  • education & planning tool: introductory level of the app presents and educates on the topic, with information simply and playfully displayed for a variety of users, from average citizens to decision makers and politicians
  • energy flows: second level visualises districts with clear depictions of the energy network and inter-connections between the buildings
  • hot & cold: able to view energy requirements through time for the whole district, but also for indivi-dual buildings, helping with annual planning of heating and cooling. Very easy to combine and compare diff erent data options and use these in decision-making.
  • simulation & future data: currently simulated data as building is still underway in the districts and new methods are currently being researched, in future this will be replaced by live data from building sensors

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About the Project

The success of the energy transition depends not only on advancing the expansion of renewable energy but also on holistically redesigning urban energy supply. TransUrban.NRW demonstrates how innovative and sustainable heat transition can be achieved in cities and neighborhoods. TransUrban.NRW is among the winners of the "Real-world Labs of the Energy Transition" idea competition, where future-proof energy technologies are tested in practice. This funding project promotes climate protection in the heating supply of a structural transformation region through innovative solutions. A consortium of 12 companies and associated partners from the real estate industry, research, and the energy sector is focusing on fifth-generation energy systems. These low-CO2 heat and cold supply systems play the role of modern energy platforms. The goal is to achieve an optimal balance of different neighborhood needs through intelligent networking and the use of digital processes to leverage optimization potential and synergies.

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